Countryside High School Reverse Career Fair

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Name: Countryside High School Reverse Career Fair
Date: April 24, 2025
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EDT
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:
A new Kind of Career Fair – A Reverse Career Fair

A career fair that flips the table:
  • Job Seekers create displays and presentations that showcase their talents
  • Employers then have the opportunity to circulate among the booths and introduce themselves to the job seekers whose skills and abilities meet their needs
The Reverse Career Fair:
  • Helps students highlight and showcase their skills and abilities in a comfortable environment
  • Helps businesses to recognize the talents of the job candidates by watching them demonstrate examples of their work/abilities
EMPLOYERS: Be sure to register by Friday, April 18 by clicking the Register button to the right. You'll receive an email with further instructions after you register. Contact us with any questions! 
Countryside High School 
3000 State Road 580
Clearwater, FL 33761
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